Most of us know Scott Brum as the Deputy Mayor of McNab-Braeside Township- but he’s also a community booster in his private life.
When an opportunity arose to host and organize a Homesteading Conference locally, Scott jumped at the chance.
Although these initiatives to encourage self-sufficient living are held throughout North America, the local thread we’re discussing was begun in McDonald’s Corners near Perth, and run successfully there for a couple years before relocating to Denbigh last year.
Scott picks it up there.
Brum says the event will include topics for people who want to start small.
Scott says in his municipality there are even garden plots available on a seasonal basis
The Homesteading Conference is for people who intend to productively use the knowledge they will gain.
Topics and demonstrations include Bees, Ag Society Demonstrations, Maple Syrup Production, Processing Meats on the Homestead, Urban Chickens, Baking and Cooking Demos, as well as Hunting and Fishing booths.
Brum says there are several reasons he chose the specific date.
Further details will follow shortly.
Scott is in the process of offering sponsorship packages for the event, and signing on or developing social media to promote it.
By Rick Stow