St. John’s Lutheran Church in Arnprior is planning a special tandem event during April’s solar eclipse.
Alison Burkett, a volunteer involved with all the youth activities at the church, is working with fellow volunteer Andy Kalnins to organize the events, which consist of a fun afternoon at the church and a carpool event to Kingston.
She explained the path of the eclipse will travel, from the U.S., up through Hamilton and through the Belleville/Kingston area, which will experience a total solar eclipse.
The Arnprior area will witness a 95-96 per cent eclipse.
Burkett is excited for this chance of a lifetime.
For both groups there’s a modest “Unplugged” fee of $5 a person and that will give you a pair of ISO-certified protective glasses to see the eclipse.
The Kingston and Arnprior groups will be connected and share eclipse-based indoor and outdoor activities based on material from the Canadian Space Agency and NASA.
Celebrating and learning about the eclipse dovetails with the church’s Unplug program, which encourages greater connection with nature.
The Total Solar Eclipse Unplug event runs from 1-5 p.m. on Monday, April 8. Children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
For details, check the Facebook event. Register at unplug.sjl@gmail.com .
(Written by Sherry Haaima; edited by Rick Stow)