There are only two ingredients in the making of maple taffy: maple syrup, and snow or ice.
Thank-you to the Lanark & District Maple Syrup Producers Association for providing the know-how.
Note: sticky hands are NOT optional. Scalding is an ever-present danger, and adult supervision is therefore essential.
You will need: 2 cups Sweet Ontario maple syrup, and clean snow or crushed ice.
Gather and organize your ingredients and equipment as you will need to move quickly to ensure your syrup doesn’t turn into maple sugar.
You will need a small pot, a candy thermometer, a baking sheet or tin tray, and some popsicle sticks.
First, spread clean snow or crushed ice on a metal baking sheet and put it in the freezer or outside to keep it frozen.
In a small pot, boil maple syrup to a “soft ball” stage on your thermometer, or approximately 235 degrees Fahrenheit (only an adult should do this).
When the syrup has reached softball stage, pour the syrup in a line in the snow. Wait until the syrup has slightly hardened. Roll onto a popsicle stick and enjoy!
By Rick Stow