The approval of a Near Surface Disposal Facility (NSDF) for the CNL site at Chalk River was not unexpected, according to Ann Pohl of the Kitchissippi-Ottawa Valley Chapter of the Council of Canadians.
Pohl says putting a tarp over a pit should not be “end of story” given flaws in the process
Although there is allegedly an agreement with the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan, remaining communities within the Anishnabeg still oppose the concept- which may not survive a court challenge, given what the First Nations consider a lack of consultation over this proposed use of their unceded lands.
The Kitchissippi-Ottawa Valley Chapter spokesperson says the long term stability of tritium used in nuclear medicine production is one of the concerns worrying her group, given that leachate from non-nuclear materials already occurs into the Ottawa River.
By Rick Stow