The Arnprior McNab/Braeside Men’s Shed (The Shed) has to find a new home.
The property on Nieman Drive where it is presently located has been sold, and The Shed has to move before the end of this week.
Spokesperson Gary McBurney notes the Men’s Shed is more than a woodworkers’ club. “The Shed offers a place for men to find new purpose. So many men are defined by their job or career. So when you retire – who are you?
McBurney says The Men’s Shed membership is north of three dozen.
The community has certainly felt the benefits of the Men’s Shed’s creations: from raised garden boxes at the Grove Nursing Home, to Little Free Libraries throughout the town, to bird houses at Clay Bank Nature Park for Outdoor Learning, the work of the Shed members is wide ranging.
McBurney says replicating the current 2,400 square foot workshop space would be one of the necessary critieria, another is available parking.
If the idea place can’t be found, Me’s Shed members can pitch in to renovate the next best thing
McBurney says a piecemeal contingnecy plan may be necessary
Any leads or suggestions on a new workshop space for the Men’s Shed can be sent to ARH social media spokesperson, Taylor Holmes at:
By Rick Stow