Pamela Noel Madden is the driving force behind the Madden Family Reunion this weekend.
She’s a descendant of Thomas and Ellen Madden, who settled in Appleton after a voyage to the New World aboard the Stakesby, that set sail from Cork Ireland in 1823.
Pamela has traced the family from there, tracking 1264 progeny over the ten generations- continuing a project begun by her late mother.
Pamela’s mother overcame her initial reticence, and put pen to paper.
For those contemplating a similar Bicentennial exercise, she strongly recommends
Noel Madden says the history aspect is a relatively easy task, compared to fleshing out the branches of the living family tree.
Her research has led to this weekend’s gathering at the Almonte Civitan Hall.
She says there are even people coming to the reunion from overseas.
The family has a large contingent of relations who make the USA their home.
Some of the gang aren’t flying in- and they don’t have any great distance to drive.
When the group gathers this weekend at the Almonte Civitan Hall, it will be under a big banner.
Our area’s Anishnabek population’s oral histories remain an important aspect of keeping traditions alive; the settler population has its fixations on the written word.
The Madden Family story- a template for those others who may be contemplating a similar exercise as their own unique Bicentennial Project this year in Mississippi Mills.
By Rick Stow