It’s not far out of town- and well worth the trip.
Creator and proprietor Jacqueline Turner gives us the backstory on how “The Shed” came to be.
She’s on Old Highway 17, on the left, between Urban Ford and Al’s Corner Store.
The Shed is chock-full of items to augment your home decor, including signs, charcuterie boards, miniature replica Scandinavian wood houses, paraffin-free candles made of soy wax and so much more- all priced within most anyone’s budget.
Jacqueline says her fifth season of operating The Shed starts in mid-Spring of 2023, but in the meantime, she’s just a click away.
Over the winter Jacqueline will be making upgrades to enhance her web presence, and looks forward to meeting your needs online.
Hidden Gems is a presentation of the Renfrew County Catholic District School Board
By Rick Stow