The Phoenix Centre for Children & Families knows that given the ongoing pandemic, the holidays will not be the same this year for many of us.
That’s why the Centre is sharing expert tips and recommendations from child and youth mental health professionals to help families put their mental wellness first and get ready for the holidays.
Firstly, Prioritize mental health in the holidays: Even in a typical year, the holidays can be stressful.
When you prioritize your or your child’s mental wellness, you can focus on what works for your family, so offer your kids a realistic range of celebration options to pick from.
Plan early: Don’t spring surprises on your offspring.
Focus on what’s in your control, and what portion of holiday tradtions you are able to maintain or modify.
Acknowledge there will be disappointments.
Remember that kids can experience grief over a lack of routine.
Take care of you, which can often mean taking a personal time-out.
Never underestimate resilience; families have a way of bouncing back from common disappointments.
If you think your child may need mental health support, please reach out for help by phone or email, or visit the website: phoenixctr.com