Arnprior Mayor Walter Stack notes that with Canada Day having come and gone, there’s no denying that summer’s here.
Although some of our usual summer activities aren’t available, the continued effort of our community to follow provincial COVID-19 guidelines means that further amenities are able to open, such as the splash pad and washrooms at Robert Simpson Park, allowing residents to enjoy the beautiful outdoor areas of the Town.
The beach is also now open, and lifeguarding is anticipated to begin on July 8th.
Residents are encouraged to enjoy our parks (excluding play structures) and trails but
are reminded to please follow posted signage regarding rules and restrictions, particularly relating to barbeques at the park and health unit guidelines.
Remember that as our community continues to re-open it is more important than ever to
stay vigilant with protecting yourself and others by following the provincial COVID-19 restrictions.
Please monitor the Town’s website, social media and the Town app for further updates and important communications.