Renfrew County has gone on record as saying that the Coroner’s Inquest into the actions of Basil Borutski that led to the deaths of three Valley women should be held here in the County.
The Inquest into the serial killer’s actions in the murders of Carol Culleton, Anastasia Kuzyk and Natalie Warmerdam in September of 2015 was announced by the Solicitor General at the end of last month, but to date, no location has been confirmed.
Michael Donohue, who represents Admaston-Bromley at County Council, persuaded his peers Wednesday to bend the rules of procedure so that members could immediately go on record as indicating any venue other than here would be inappropriate.
A recorded vote was called to emphasize the point, and the result was unanimous.
A letter is now on its way to the Chief Coroner, who is expected to confirm the inquest location shortly.